faeriewiccan's Diaryland Diary


Alex Livesay and Chayce Miller - 5.13.06 92nd & Wadsworth

On Saturday, May 13th, two sophmores at my school, Alex Livesay and Chayce Miller passed away. They were riding in a car with a 24-year-old guy who took a turn too fast. The car ran into a stop light pole. The driver lived, but Alex and Chayce died instantly. School has been hard. I knew them both from a distance. They were both in the english class that I student assissted in. Monday was the worst. Everyone was crying. We had a counseling session that period. There were so many great things about those guys. Chayce was so handsome and he was so cheerful and bright. I remember one he always brought food to class and try to hide it from Mrs. McCue. One time, she threw away his muffin and he chased it to the trash can and took it out and ate it anyway. Alex was funny. He loved to sing those cheesy pop songs and hit on Mrs. McCue. One day he told her her "ensemble looked lovely. Did you loose weight?" To that Mrs. McCue replied, "You should never comment on a woman's weight." Tuesday was better but still very difficult. On Wednesday we made a memorial for the boys. We put memories up on a wall and put stickers on the back of their chairs which had their birthdays and the date of the accident. Today, everything seems almost normal. Except that Alex and Chayce are gone. I finally mustered up the courage to go to the crash site. It's really close to my house and I pass by it a lot. There were always students there but after school today it was empty. I wanted to visit it alone. There were so many flowers. Someone put Alex's track shoes on the pole. And all around the pole, there were notes written on the ground in chalk from their friends and up the pole. I just can't believe they're gone. It reminds me how easily something like this can happen. I think about them so much. It's just not fair. I feel so sorry for them and their families. I want to go to the funerals, but I can't because I have training for my job.

On a lighter note, I got my letter in orchestra, but Mrs. G is leaving. :(

3:30 P.M. - Thursday, May. 18, 2006


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